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Project LAMBDA

Getting back into the swing of things · By lambda239


Recent updates

An update regarding Unity
Hi. Been a while, I know. I've been working on big stuff for Project LAMBDA, but I have some bad news. As of now, development of Project LAMBDA is paused for th...
0.1.2 Release
Hi, been a minute. I've been working on 0.2.0 for a while now, but it still isn't finished, so I decided just to release what's done so far. Major things added...
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Surprise small patch (0.1.1)
0.1.1 is released It's not a huge patch. This patch has some minor graphics improvements (post-processing, ambient occlusion, etc.), player movement tweaks, tex...
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First build release and next patch plans
0.2.0 Plans: 0.2.0 might take a while, because I'm going to work on things like a main menu and maybe music for the game. For the main menu, I might make anothe...

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